Monday, September 30, 2013

The First and Second Adam

Romans 5:17  "For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.

In this Scripture verse we witness an incredible contrast between two men.  The contrast is drawn between the first Adam and the Second-Adam.  The first part of the verse reveals to us how sin passed upon all of mankind throughout history.  Adam's original sin in the Garden of Eden has passed down through the bloodline of all men.  Every child is born into this world with an Adamic nature, a sin nature that is inherited from Adam's sin in the garden.  That sin nature results in condemnation.  We stand guilty before a Righteous God.  Adam and Eve's offense in the garden was a direct affront to a Holy God.  The resulting sin created a rift in the relationship between God and man.  Thank God that through the Second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, we can restore a proper relationship with God through belief in Jesus Christ.  It is through God's grace that sinful man can receive the gift of righteousness and live eternally with God.  When we fully comprehend what Jesus Christ did for us we realize how abundant God's grace truly is in our life.  Put your faith in the Second Adam today.  He desires for you to live an abundant life today!

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