Monday, September 16, 2013

The Missing Ingredient

Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

How is your faith today?  It seems that we live our lives on a wild roller coaster ride.  One minute we're slowly clicking our way upward and the next minute we're hurtling downward.  We go from the peak of the coaster to the valley in a matter of seconds.  Many times our faith is exactly the same.  We face challenges in our life and we often wonder where is God.  There are other moments when the blessings are falling, God's presence is very near and we feel we can fight Goliath and be victorious.  We need to come to the place in our Christian lives where our faith is not wavering up and down constantly.  We need to develop a steady, abiding faith.  The bible teaches us the importance of this kind of faith in Hebrews 11:6.  We discover that without faith it is impossible to please Him.  When we come to God we must see Him for who He is.  We must remember the infinite power that He has at His disposal to work on our behalf.  Jesus rebuked His disciples for their little faith in the New Testament.  We need to look at God's track record in our life.  He has always been faithful.  What makes us think He will not be faithful to us in the future?  Spend time in prayer today, meditate on God's Word and allow God to grow your faith.  Allow your faith to pleasing in God's sight!

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