Sunday, September 29, 2013

Angels Watching Over Us

Psalm 91:11 " For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."

God has multiplied millions of angels at His command.  God sends them to do a multitude of tasks.  We can look throughout the Scriptures and see time after time the ministry that God sent His angels to perform.  We see angels bringing messages of warning, announcements and ministries of encouragement.  Satan quoted this passage of Scripture to the Lord Jesus Christ during the temptation in the wilderness in Matthew 4:6.  Satan applied it to the Messiah, but as the children of God we can hold on to the same promise.  God has angels assigned to watch over us from day to day.  I can look back through my life and can count five different incidents where I was literally at death's door, but God preserved my life.  I firmly believe that God had His angels watching over me in spite of myself.  We can't see into the spiritual realm where angels dwell, but according to God's Word we can know that angels are there carrying out the ministry that God has given them.  The ministry to keep us and watch over us in all our ways.

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