Saturday, September 7, 2013

What is Heaven Like? It will Blow your Mind!

1Corinthians 2:9  "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."

     Paul was reminding the Corinthian Christians of a wonderful truth in this passage of Scripture.  That our God is able to do above anything we've ever seen, or heard or even considered.  God created the earth with all of its beauty and grandeur in six days of creation.  The beauty of the sunrise and sunset, the beauty of the tree leaves in fall.  The beauty of a clear star lit night.  The intricate beauty of a beautiful flower.  If God created all of these things in six days we can't even begin to imagine what God has created for us in Heaven.  The Book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of Heaven in all of its beauty and glory, but we really can't imagine the wonders that it holds for us as God's children.
     This verse hints at the future splendor and glory that awaits us in heaven, but there is also a real application for our life today.  God has so many blessings in store for us day by day as we walk with Him.  Have you considered the blessings that God has given you?  The blessings that surround you every day that you tend to take for granted.  Think of the family that God has blessed you with,  the friends that God has placed in your life.  The wonderful church and family of God that He has given you.  Many of the blessings I enjoy today I couldn't even have imagined just a few years ago.  God is always thrilling us with His abundant blessings in ways that we can't even imagine.  How has God blessed you today?

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