Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Spirit of Fear

II Timothy 1:7  "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

As Christians the Bible teaches us that we are uniquely gifted by God to fulfill his purpose with out lives.  God has equipped us by gifting us spiritually to do the task to which we are called.  Many times we feel that we're unable to do what God has asked of us.  We're reminded of God's call on Moses' life.  God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush in the wilderness and instructed him to go to Pharoah and tell him to let the Israelites go free.  Moses didn't feel up to the huge task that God has just given him.  He complained to God that he wasn't even able to speak well.  God told him to go and he would allow Aaron to go with him.  It's interesting to note that when Moses goes down to Pharoah we don't see any evidence of Moses' inability to speak.  Moses realized  the practicality of II Timothy 1:7.  God doesn't equip us with a spirit of fear to do the ministry that he has called us to.  He equips us with His power.  He gives us a spirit of love to use as we minister to others.  He gives us the power of a sound mind to make decisions and judgments that are pleasing to God.  Are you afraid to carry out the ministry that God has given to you?  Remember, God has given you everything you need to keep on serving Him!

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