Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bless the Persecutor

Romans 12:14  "Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not."

God has higher standards of behavior than the norm.  God commands us to do something in this verse that is opposed to everything our human nature directs us to do.  Our tendency when persecuted by others is to try to strike back at or get even with the persecutor.  We want to cause pain for the persecutor.  We want revenge.  We start running the person down to others, trying to smear their reputation.  God tells us to bless the persecutor.  Jesus Christ was our great example.  As he hung on the cross He prayed for forgiveness for those that had placed Him there.  Instead of seeking ill will for the person we are to bless them with word and action.  It takes a power beyond our power to carry out this command.  It takes the power of the Holy Spirit working in our life.  God has to give us the grace to deal with those that seek to harm us.  It's a matter of the proper heart attitude.  How's your heart today?  Are you seeking revenge or seeking God?

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