Friday, September 27, 2013

Purified Seven Times

Psalm 12:6  "The words of the Lord are pure words:  as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."

What a wonderful privilege we have to own a complete copy of God's Word contained in our Bible.  It is something that I hope you count as a great blessing.  Not everyone in the world enjoys that same privilege.  Some countries imprison their citizens if they are caught with a copy of God's Word.  The Bible declares in Psalm 12 that the Words of the Lord are pure words.  They are as pure as God is.  His words contained in the Bible are Inerrant, Inspired and Infallible.  There are no mistakes or contradictions contained in our Bible God has provided to us His perfect word.  The Bible compares God's Word to silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times.  In the Bible the number seven represents completion or perfection.  God has given to us His complete Word.  We must handle it carefully.  We have no right as the creation to attempt to change God's perfect Word.  Do you appreciate your Bible today?  Do you take time to relish the precious, live-giving words of God?  Ask God to renew a love for His Word in your heart.  Allow Him to speak to you through his Word.

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