Friday, September 6, 2013

Look Around, God is Everywhere!

Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. "

To those that would deign to say there is no God, the Bible says to look around!  Creation itself is wonderful evidence of an intelligent Creator.  There is an intricacy to the world that could never happen by chance.  A great mathematician set out to prove that there was no God.  His quest to disprove God led him to the inescapable conclusion that there was a God.  God is present in everything around us.  He left His signature as an incredible Creator and an incredible mathematician!  If we would be honest with ourselves we too would come to the same inescapable conclusion of the existence of God.  Sadly, many are willfully ignorant.  If they accept the fact of a God, then they must accept the fact of a judgment and they're not willing to do that.  If God is real then they must give an account for their sin.  The Bible tells us that as we look up at the innumerable stars and galaxies that stretch out before us, they are a constant reminder of the fact that God is REAL!  I'm glad He is.  How about you?

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