Sunday, September 22, 2013

Consider the Ravens

Luke 12:24 "Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?"

When we are tempted to worry and fret about the issues of life, Jesus reminds us of a critical truth for our well being.  Jesus would remind us to consider the ravens.  Have you ever taken time to just watch the birds or animals around you on a day to day basis.  I live in the woods and my home is surrounded by huge oak trees.  I have the wonderful opportunity of watching the squirrels scampering around the yard burying and uncovering acorns.  I get to watch the different birds as they fly in and land on a tree just outside of my window.  In all the times I've watched the birds and squirrels playing around my house I have never seen one driving a tractor and planting seeds for a harvest.  I've never seen the animals building a barn to store their food.  They don't have to concern themselves with such things.  God has already provided the means whereby they could get their food.  God planted the oaks that produce the acorns that the squirrels can enjoy in the cold, dreary days of winter.  God planted the oak and created the earth that acts as a storehouse for their acorns.  God causes the rain to fall and the seasons to pass.  God causes the trees to yield acorns and seeds for the birds.  The Bible makes it abundantly clear, God feeds them.  If God has put so much care into planning for the animals don't you think that He has planned and prepared for us.  We are much better than the fowls.  God created us in His own image.   Are you worrying today about the cares of this world?  God loves you and He will take care of you! 

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