Thursday, September 5, 2013

Enduring Temptation

James 1:12  "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him."

The word "Blessed" in the KJV bible means "Happy."  The bible teaches us that happy is the man that endureth temptation.  God put a multitude of warnings in his Word about temptation.  Temptation is common or ordinary in the life of every man and woman.  We all face different temptations.  Satan is very good at throwing temptation at us to find out our weakness.  He tries to get us to sin against our Heavenly Father.  He tempts us through our sinful nature that will be a part of us till the day that we die.  Temptation comes in every life and the question is how do we deal with it when it rears its ugly head?  Christ set the example for us when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness.  To each and every temptation Christ responded with the Word of God.  When temptation comes we are to respond in the manner that Christ has shown us.  Answer temptation with the Word of God.  The Word of God has the answer for every problem we encounter.  If we are faithful to respond to temptation in the manner that God has demonstrated for us we are promised the crown of life.

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