Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wisdom is Better Than Rubies

Proverbs 8: 10-11

"Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.
For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it."

The Bible places great emphasis upon acquiring wisdom.  It's not the wisdom that comes through some advanced college course or worldly philosophy.  It is the wisdom that comes from a personal relationship with the source of all true wisdom.  When we receive our wisdom from God it is a wisdom that transcends earthly wisdom.  The bible declares the wisdom of man to be foolishness with God.  God has given us a book, the Bible, to meditate upon and to grow in wisdom accordingly.  God reveals that acquiring godly wisdom is better than silver, gold and rubies.  It should be our chief pursuit.  Nothing else compares to the wisdom that God offers.  The reason God places such a high emphasis on wisdom is that we live in a generation that seems devoid of wisdom.  The whole world seems to have gone crazy in its deification of man.  Man has attempted to lift man up to the place of God and that truly is foolishness.

How is your wisdom today?  Are you studying and meditating upon God's Word and allowing God to instruct you in His wisdom?

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