Monday, October 14, 2013

God Exalts in His Time

1Peter 5:6  "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:"

We live in a generation that is obsessed with self-promotion.  Everyone wants to get the big promotion or get exalted above their co-workers.  It's a natural desire to want to excel and to get recognized for our hard work and effort.  I Peter 5:6 reminds us that if we will humble ourselves under God, He will exalt us!  We all have a tendency to want to take the reins of our own life, but God wants us to turn our life over to Him.  Let Him take control and He will take care of promoting us when we're ready.  He will not forget you, but will promote you in due time.  When Joseph was falsely accused in the Scriptures by Potiphar's wife and ended up in prison there may have been a tendency for Joseph to think that God had forgotten him, but we never see Joseph doubting God!  In God's timing Joseph not only was freed from prison, but he was exalted to second in command over all Egypt.  Quit worrying your self to death over that promotion, God will exalt you in due time.

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