Monday, October 28, 2013

Resist the Devil

James 4:7  "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

How do we do battle against the devil.  The devil is as real as God.  The Scriptures have much to say about this individual.  We know from the Bible that Satan had his beginning in Heaven with God.  He rebelled against God and sought to have God's throne as His own.  When Satan rebelled against God he was cast out of Heaven along with a third of the angels that took his side in the rebellion.  Satan must have been quite charismatic to be able to convince a third of the angels of Heaven to come over to his side.  If the devil could convince the angels to risk heaven then he has no trouble convincing men to follow him today.  The bible teaches us that the devil is subtil.  He is sly and sneaky.  He works daily to try to deceive men about the way of salvation and the nature of God.  What should we do when the devil tries to deceive us and get us to come over to his way of thinking.  The bible gives us the specific steps to follow.  1)  Submit yourself to God.  Realize that God has unlimited power to help us in time of need.  2)  Resist the devil.  Actively resist, use the power of theWord of God to resist him.  3)  When we submit ourselves to God and actively resist through God's Word the result will be a fleeing devil.  Do you feel as though the devil has you in his cross-hairs today?  Follow God's plan of resistance and breathe easier!

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