Monday, October 7, 2013

The Worth of a Soul

Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

There are some wealthy men and women on earth today.  The annual Forbes List of the wealthiest people in the world lists many millionaires and billionaires.  We've probably sit around daydreaming about what it would be like to have such considerable wealth.  The Bible declares to us that there is something worth far more than the wealth of the entire world.  That is an incredible statement when we think of the vast treasures that are owned throughout the world.  Think of all of the gold of ancient Egypt, the crown jewels of the U.K. and the oil riches of the middle east.  The Bible declares that the human soul is worth more than all of these riches combined.  God declares through His Word that one solitary soul is worth more than all the riches of earth.  What a sad thing it would be to spend your life acquiring the wealth of the world and neglect the salvation of your own soul.  The Bible teaches us that this type of attitude is profitless.  What's more important in your life today?  Are you expending all of your time and energy trying to acquire more goods.  Have you taken care of your most valuable possession, your soul?  You can lose all of your wealth and have a chance to earn it back, but if you lose your soul you'll never have a chance to win it back!

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