Sunday, September 12, 2010

Walk in the Spirit

I had the wonderful opportunity today of teaching the Jr Boys Sunday School class at church.  I challenged these young men with what the Bible teaches about "Walking in the Spirit".  In Gal. 5:16 we are instructed that if we will walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.  Every day of our life we have to make a decision, will I be flesh controlled today, living selfishly, or will I allow myself to be controlled by the Holy Spirit?  It is a constant struggle day by day.  The Apostle Paul understood the battle that we face.  In Romans 7 Paul said that the things he wanted to do he found himself not doing them.  The things that he didn't want to do that's what he found himself doing.  One of the greatest fears that Paul had in his life was the fear of becoming a "Castaway."  That word "Castaway" means to be rejected.  Paul wanted to serve God with his life, not be rejected because of the flesh controlling him.  We can relate to the same struggle in our own life.  If we will daily spend time in the Word of God and in prayer and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit working in our lives we can and will be Spirit led and we can fulfill the mission that God has given us in our life.  My prayer for you today is that you will yield yourself to the leading of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work in and through you.

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