Friday, September 17, 2010

Increase our Faith

That was the prayer of the disciples to the Lord Jesus Christ.  When we consider our own faith we would echo the prayer of the disciples.  It seems far too many times we don't trust God when we pray for God to work in our lives.  For true faith to occur it's know it enough for us to have a head knowledge or even a heart knowledge, we have to put faith to work in our life.  We have to step out on faith and trust God to do what He has promised that He will do.  We can live our lives limited by sight or we can trust God.  It's sad when people live their entire lives limited by sight.  We only want to trust God as far as we can see.  God's response to us, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."  II Cor. 5:7  We cannot allow our Christian lives to be limited by sight.  We have to trust a God that can see what lies ahead of us tomorrow or the year after.  We must walk by Faith trusting our God to guide us every step of the way.  Lord increase our faith.  

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