Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bible Institute

I'm excited that our local church is beginning a Bible Institute.  It is a place where believers can join together and study the Word of God.  We can encourage each other in the faith as we search out the treasures that the Bible holds for us in our daily lives.  The Bible is a practical Book that holds the answers for so many of the questions that perplex modern man.  It's sad that in our society so many people go through life finding no joy or happiness because they lack purpose for their lives.  If these drifting ones would come to Christ, by faith, He would reveal His perfect will for their lives and give them a wonderful reason for living.  Do you know real peace and contentment in your life?  Is there something missing?  The greatest discovery of my life is the day that I realized whom Christ was and what He did for me on the cross at Calvary.

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