In the Old Testament book of Amos 3:3 we see an interesting question posed to the reader. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" The Bible has much to say about agreement in the lives of believers. There is a warning in the Bible to not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. When we examine the goals and aims of our life as compared to unbelievers there are some stark contrasts. The utmost goal of our life should be to bring honor and glory unto the Lord. If we are yoked to an unbeliever there will not be a common striving together for that goal. I once heard an old country preacher explain the concept of "Fellowship" by describing it as two men together in a boat, both rowing in the same direction. If one of the men in that boat was a believer and the other an unbeliever the boat would go nowhere. It would just sit there going in circles no matter how hard the two men rowed.
The same thing occurs in a marriage where one spouse is a believer and the other is an unbeliever. They may both be working hard, but their goals are different and as a result they end up feeling alienated toward one another and it doesn't take long to see that their marriage isn't going anywhere and unfortunately many simply call it quits.
A business relationship is no different. If one business partner devotes his energy toward honoring the Lord and the other is only interested in personal fulfillment you will have the same conflict at work in the business relationship. The goals of the two partners will be diametrically opposed and the business will suffer as a result.
In the church setting believers must be united in their striving toward a common goal. The goals for the church have been established in His Word. We are to preach the Gospel (Death, burial and resurrection) of Christ. We are to lead people to Christ and once they become believers through salvation we are to disciple them, that they might grow spiritually and become more Christ-like and train them to reach others. If we want to see our marriages, family relationships, business partnerships and churches move forward for the cause of Christ we must walk in agreement with other believers. The Word of God challenges us in Philippians 2 to, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus". When we are like-minded with the mind of Christ we will walk in agreement.
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