Friday, September 17, 2010

Blessed Assurance

I am convinced that next to our personal salvation the greatest thing we can possess is the assurance of our salvation.  If we trust Christ by faith and are saved the Devil will come along and try to tell us we're really not saved.  Salvation can't be that easy!  The Devil has a method to his madness.  If he can convince us that we're not saved he will render us ineffective for the cause of Christ.  If we're not sure of our own salvation how are we ever going to help others?  On the other hand, what a wonderful peace and joy comes from knowing that Christ is ours and we are His.  What a wonderful thought as we think about the home that has been prepared in Heaven for us.  Once we have repented and trusted Christ as Savior the Bible teaches us that we are eternally secure in our salvation.  Some Bible references for you to consider as you study assurance of salvation are John 10:38; Ephesians 4:30.  All we have to do is take God as His Word.  If you're saved you're secure and you've been promised an eternity with God in Heaven.  That's good news in a bad news world!

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