Saturday, September 11, 2010

Investing in the Lives of Other Christians

Tonight as my wife and I were working through our new Sunday School curriculum we were discussing our involvement in the lives of other believers.  God revealed something to me as I prayed and studied.  God in His sovereignty places us exactly where we are in order that we can edify those believers that He has placed around us.  If you consider the friends that you have at church, just in your Sunday School class, there are believers at every level in their walk with Christ.  Some have only been saved a few months and are just beginning to learn about this joyous walk with Christ and there are others that have been saved for decades and work at keeping their love for Christ fresh and new.  We should never be afraid to invest ourselves in the lives of others.  There are people around us every single day that need a Word of encouragement, a helping hand, to share a laugh or simply to have us to stop and take time to pray with them about something that is going on in their life.  God calls us as believers to strengthen and build up one another in the faith.  Take time today to invest in a fellow believers life and share with that believer something that God has taught you.  "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you..."  Matt. 28:20

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