Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Coming Boldly Into God's Presence

Heb 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." 

What a wonderful privilege we have as believers to be able to come boldly into the presence of an Omnipotent God.  The God that we serve is all powerful.  He stepped out into nothingness and simply spoke this entire universe into existence with the power of His Words.  What a privilege to carry our cares and concerns to Him who has the power to meet every need in our life.  The way of access was opened to us when Christ shed His blood on the cross of Calvary for our sins.  No longer as believers did we have to carry animal sacrifices to the High Priest that he might offer the sacrifice as an offering for our sin.  Now we are able to come into the very presence of our God through prayer.  We can petition Him directly and He will respond to us as a loving Father responds to his child.  God loves us and there is nothing in our lives that is so insignificant that it is unimportant to our God.  He cares and He wants us to spend time talking to him.  How sad it is when our earthly children don't take time to talk to us.  I think our Heavenly Father is saddened when He has done so much for us and we don't even care enough to spend time speaking with Him.  Don't ever take for granted the wonderful privilege we have of prayer.

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