Saturday, September 18, 2010

Loving the Unlovely

One of my friends caught my attention this morning with a comment that she put on her Facebook page.  She said, "There's never a shortage of people standing in line to mentor/ disciple those who appear to have a promising future, but the only ones standing in line behind those who really need help are waiting to mock, judge or condemn."  It's easy to spend time helping those who have it all together.  They have a nice car, a nice house, lots of money, a good family and great friends.  We want to spend time with them and fellowship, but what about those people that get saved and trust the Lord that carry with them the dress, the markings and the scars of their previous life away from God?  Don't these new believers deserve to have someone to sit down with them and begin the necessary process of discipling them.  I can't help but be reminded of Saul when he got saved on the road to Damascus.  The new believers were afraid to have anything to do with Saul because he had been a persecutor of the Christians.  He had been responsible for putting many Christians into prison and condemning them to death.  God appeared to Ananias and told him to go to Saul, but Ananias protested.  Act 9:13 "Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem:"  God responded by telling Ananias to "Go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me".  You never know what God is going to do with the person that God calls you to disciple.  When Ananias looked at Saul he only saw a killer and persecutor of the Christians.  God saw a man that was to be the Apostle to the Gentiles.  Whose life can we impact today as we follow God to disciple fellow believers?

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