Monday, September 13, 2010

Confronting Doubt

As humans it seems we have so many weaknesses.  If we're not careful we can allow our doubts and fears to keep us from doing what God has called us to do in our lives.  Satan uses doubt and fear as weapons in his arsenal to make us quit short of carrying out the mission God has given us.  If we allow Satan to convince us that we can't do it then we will not do it.  Satan will point out every weakness and shortcoming that we have in order that he might convince us to not even try.  We need to remember that where God calls He will equip and provide.  Don't let Satan control you by fear and doubt.  You need to remember the wonderful promise that we have in Philippians 4:13.  "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  We need to believe God's Word and move forward for the cause of Christ.  When Satan wields the weapons of doubt and fear respond with the most powerful weapon of all, God's Word!

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