Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pray Without Ceasing!

1Thessalonians 5:17  "Pray without ceasing."

How much time have you spent in prayer today?  The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing.  We are to be in a constant attitude of prayer.  As we go through our day we need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God.  There are prayer needs all around us.  It might be a prayer for a co-worker that is going through a difficult time.  It may be a neighbor that has lost a loved one and needs someone to pray with and for them to comfort their hearts during their time of grieving.  We are surrounded with myriad needs every single day.  How many times do we just walk past and ignore the needs around us as we focus on ourselves.  We gain strength as we pray in faith believing that God will work in the need.  Prayer should be a first resort, not a last resort.  God is concerned about everything in the life of the believer.  There is no prayer request so small that God is unconcerned about it.  Take time to pray today.  Our God is able to help in every area that we need help in.  Pray and ask Him for help!

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