Friday, November 15, 2013

Love is of God

1John 4:7  "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."

The greatest love that has ever been demonstrated to mankind was when God the Father sent His own dear son to die at Calvary for the sins of all mankind.  God demonstrated what true love is.  It is a selfless, giving love.  A love that is poured out for others.  A love that flows from the depths of our being out of gratitude for what our God did for us.  We are to love as God loves.  We are to demonstrate love to the lovely and the unlovely.  The Bible teaches that when we do this, it's a demonstration of the result of our salvation.  When we are able to love those that no one else loves it demonstrates our Christ-likeness.  Have you reached out in love to someone today?  Have you demonstrated love toward those that seem to be unlovely?  Love like Christ, reach out and be a blessing to someone today.

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