Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Jealous God

Exodus 20:3  "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

Mankind does a wonderful job of creating gods for themselves.  You could go to the remotest village in the farthest part of the jungle and you would find that the villagers there would be worshiping something.  Man will invariably create something to worship.  There is within man a desire to worship something.  Man usually doesn't have far to look when creating a false god to worship.  More often than not man will create a god in his image.  We are very adept as sitting ourselves up as the god of our life.  Making sure that everything we do fulfills our selfish needs.  We want the world to revolve around our wants, needs and concerns.  We get more interested in what we want than what God wants.  God made it abundantly clear to the Israelites when He gave His law to Moses.  God declared that man is to have no other Gods than He.  He is the real God.  He is the one that is altogether worthy of our honor and reverence.  How are you doing today?  Who's really in charge of your life, you or God?

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