Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lean not unto Thine Understanding

Proverbs 3:5  "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

There is a certain feeling of satisfaction that comes with being self-sufficient.  When we get our first driver's license and are no longer restricted to riding with others it definitely brings a sense of relief and happiness.  We like our independence and the ability to do things on our own without relying on others.  We like to think that we've lived long enough to have acquired a certain amount of wisdom.  We know how to do things.  We know how to handle different situations that we might have to face.  The Bible warns us not to become too self-sufficient.  The Bible teaches us that it is far better to lean upon and trust the Lord's understanding instead of our understanding.  We can fully trust God with everything in our life.  Our understanding isn't capable of handling everything that life brings.  We have to lean upon One who is able to handle everything that we will ever face.  He is our guide through life.  He is the one that can set us upon the right path and lead us to the best that life has to offer.  Quit trusting in your self and trust God!  He is able!

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