Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Light Unto My Path

Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

I remember going on a camping trip once in the foothills of western North Carolina.  My friend and I pitched our tent while it was still daylight and remembered some things we had forgot to bring with us on our camping trip.  We left the camp site and headed back into town to get supplies.  By the time we returned to the campsite it was pitch black outside.  The only problem was that we had left our flashlights in the tent at the campsite.  We had to stumble across logs and through briers constantly concerned that we would step on a copperhead snake winding its way through the darkness.  I had never felt better than when I heard my friend cry out, "I found it."  He had finally stumbled his way back into our campsite.  A light to find our way would have been incredibly helpful.

God has provided us with a light to find our way through a world filled with darkness.  That light provided by God is His Holy Word.  The bible declares to us that God's Word is a lamp unto our feet.  A lamp shines a light that illuminates our path for just a little ways.  God's Word provides light to guide us today.  The Bible also likens God's Word to a light unto my path.  That is a light that is stronger, a light that will shine farther down the path.  God's Word will illuminate us today, but it will also guide us in the weeks, months and years to come.  Thank God for the blessed light of His Holy Word.

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