Monday, August 12, 2013

What's Next? Discerning God's Direction

There are times in life when we don't feel a clear direction from God, but we have a very important decision that must be made.  What do we do during those times.  We pray, but it seems that our ceiling is made of lead and our prayers are falling back down to us without leaving the confines of our room.  As Christians we know that God doesn't operate on our timetable.  There are times when we expect an immediate answer, but that immediate answer doesn't come.  These are times that we have to wait patiently, by faith simply trusting that our Lord's timing is always perfect.  He has promised that all things work together for good to them that love Him.  We have to trust God as sovereign to always do those things that are in our best interest.  He will always do what is best for us.  We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus.  What practical steps do we take when we simply don't know what to do?  We need to wait on the Lord, don't get hasty and rush ahead in our own wisdom.  We need to keep doing those things that are in accordance with the Word of God.  The things that we know are right and in God's will.  Finally we have to maintain an abiding trust in God.  He will answer, He will move at exactly the moment that is best in our life.  We serve an awesome God.  He has unlimited power and ability to help in every circumstance in our life.  Trust Him!

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