Sunday, August 25, 2013

Importance of Charity

1Corinthians 13:13  "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity."  The bible places tremendous emphasis on charity.  It is by the charity of God the Father that Jesus Christ was given and offered up for the sins of all mankind.  God demonstrated His great love for us by giving His own Son to die on the cross for us.  When we consider the great love that Jesus Christ demonstrated to us by willingly allowing Himself to be crucified to pay the wages of our sins the very least we can do is demonstrate charity toward others.  It is through this demonstration of love toward others that people's hearts are opened to the Gospel message.  If people know that we care, that we love them, then their hearts become receptive to the message of the Gospel.  If people know that we are sincerely concerned it gives our witness tremendous credibility.  People will listen and trust our message about the saving power of Christ.
How is your charity today?  Are you demonstrating the love of God as you reach out to those that are hurting around you?  If you don't have the proper level of charity confess it to God and ask Him to help in this area in your life.  God stands willing to give us the proper heart attitude if we will simply ask!

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