Saturday, August 24, 2013

Stages of Life

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

Our lives are broken into stages.  As children we live under the care and protection of our families.  It is a time of learning and safety as we watch, learn and listen.  It is the time that we head off to the schoolhouse to receive an education.  A time to learn those things that will lead us to being productive citizens, workers and community members.  Those school days are a stage in our life.  The day that we graduate high school begins another stage in our lives.  Some choose college, others choose a job and some choose to begin careers in the military.  If we're sensitive to the leadership of God in our lives we find ourselves meeting the spouse that God has for us.  We get married and yet another stage with all of it blessings begins.  The next step or stage in our lives is to raise the children that God blesses us with.  Then the day comes when we have to stand at the schoolhouse door and bid our children goodbye as they enter their first day of school.  The day eventually comes when we stand at our door and bid our child goodbye as they head off into the world to make it on our own.  Then the empty nest stage begins.

Our lives consist of one stage after another.  We move inexorably from one season to another.  We can't look down through the halls of our future and see everything that is in store for us just over the next horizon.  It's probably for the best that we can't.  The future would probably scare us to death if we saw what we will have to face.  As Christians we have the awareness that we don't have to face the stages of life alone.  Our God goes with us day by day and year by year throughout every moment of all of the stages.  We often find ourselves perplexed and puzzled at different stages, but we serve a God that is never confused or befuddled.  He sees the path ahead perfectly clear and He knows the plan that He has for us every stage of our life.  We need to simply trust that He knows best and He wants what is best for us.  What stage are you going through in your life?  Is it a time of mountain top experience or are you trudging through the valley.  Trust God to see you through!

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