Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Incredible Peace

Philippians 4:7  "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

The peace that God offers is a peace unlike anything that this world knows.  It is a peace that manifests itself in times of trial and trouble.  It is a peace that defies explanation apart from the supernatural power of God.  To know the peace of God, we must first have peace with God.  We live in the midst of a world that is desperately seeking peace, but it is elusive to them because they don't have peace with God.  It is always in that order in the Scriptures.  A person has to trust Christ as Savior to have peace with God.  After salvation we can know the wonderful experience of having a peace that passeth all understanding.  How is your peace today?  Do you have an abiding trust in Him?  A confidence that God is able to work in any situation in your life.

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