Monday, August 12, 2013

Spiritual Renewal

A time of refreshment is important in every Christian Life.  During the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ there were times when Christ had to separate Himself from the throngs of people that were crowding in on him and begging Him for assistance.  He would separate from the hustle and bustle of the daily ministering to the needs of the masses and would retire to a desert place to spend time alone in prayer.  Jesus was modeling a wonderful example for us as believers.  He was demonstrating the need for a time of spiritual renewal and refreshment.  Jesus knew full well that the power of the Holy Spirit of God was available through prayer.  As believers we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  A famous preacher once stated that it's not how much of the Holy Spirit we have, but how much of us does the Holy Spirit have.  Time in prayer alone with God strengthens our walk with God and enables us to carry out the ministry that God has assigned us as His ambassador.  How is your walk with God today?  Are you walking through dry, barren places?  God wants to refresh and renew your spirit today.  He wants to be a spring of living water rising up within you to refresh you for the journey ahead.  Take time to spend time with God today and go forward in the strength of His Spirit!

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