Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Paul addresses the church at Rome and gives them a stern warning in this passage of Scripture. To be carnally minded is death. The carnal mind is at opposites with the mind of Christ mentioned in Philippians 2:5. Carnal is defined as having to do with the flesh and it's appetites and passions. It means temporal and worldly. The carnal mind is concerned with self. Christians have to be careful not to be come self absorbed with the world and all of its allurements. When we get preoccupied with the temporal we can leave out God and His will in our lives. God has a perfect plan for each of our lives. When we get our eyes off of God's plan and live according to our own plan it literally becomes death. The most miserable person on earth is the Christian that has wandered away from God and is living his or her life in selfish pursuits. Outward the carnally minded Christian may seem to be living it up, but inside there is emptiness and discontent. On the other hand, to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Jesus spoke of life and having it more abundantly. The life that is lived for Christ is filled with the excitement of carrying out God's purpose in your life. The life that is lived for Christ brings a peace that passeth all understanding. A peace to stand firm in the storms of life. A peace in the stillest and darkest night as we rest knowing that God is sovereign and in control of our lives and will never permit more in our lives than we can handle with His help. Paul gives the church a choice, live carnally and fail to please God or spiritually minded and know the abundant life and a wonderful peace that God brings to pass in the life of the believer as we lean upon Him.
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