Saturday, October 2, 2010

Peer Pressure

Proverbs 1:10 "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not."

When we think about peer pressure we think about a teenager being confronted with sin and his or her friends trying to get them to go along with the group.  Unfortunately it's not only teenagers that succumb to peer pressure.  We are born with a desire to fit in with the crowd and if we're not very careful that desire can end up being a snare to us.  The devil has a way of putting exactly the wrong people in our path to sway us from the path that God has for us.  The best course of action is laid out for us in the Word of God.  "Consent thou not."  When the devil places temptation before us, consent thou not.  When our families insist that we go with them somewhere or some place that we are not comfortable with, consent thou not.  When our friends or colleagues want us to go along and we know that it will jeopardize our testimony, consent thou not.  Let's face it we will be confronted with temptation, when we are consent thou not.

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