Saturday, November 14, 2015


Matthew 7:8 "For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."

     How many blessings have we failed to receive simply because we didn't bother to ask.  A preacher once said that one of these days we are going to get to heaven and God is going to show us a huge warehouse that contains all of the blessings we could have received, if we had prayed and asked God.  God wants to bless us far more than we even realize.  Just like we enjoy blessing our children, God the Father enjoys blessing His children.
     Another principle contained in this verse is, "He that seeketh findeth."  Have you ever lost something valuable?  If you have, then you can understand the value of this verse.  You search and search, not resting or relaxing till you find the valuable object you were searching for.  What a relief when you find the lost object.  God is teaching us the value of importunity, persistence in praying for the desires of our heart.  We must never forget that we can't command God to do anything, but we can approach our heavenly Father by faith to petition Him for our requests.
     "To him that knocketh it shall be opened."  We are to put action to our prayers.  There are times that God expects us to take the first step and then He responds to our prayer.  God wants to see our willingness to step forward in obedience.  Sometimes the simple action of putting feet to our prayer is the action that shows God we're serious about our request.  It shows that we are willing to act and respond to God's answer to prayer in our life.
     How about you today?  Have you taken time to pray and ask God for an answer to the situation in your life?  Are you diligently seeking an answer from God?  Have you put feet to your prayer, believing that God is going to do a work?

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