Monday, November 16, 2015

Confident or Ashamed?

1John 2:28  "And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming."

Christ has promised His return in the Bible.  It is as sure as the promise of God.  Jesus is indeed, returning to this earth.  How should we live our life in light of this promise in the Scriptures?  We are to be active in reaching others with the Gospel message.  We should live day by day allowing God to conform us to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We should live in such a manner that when He comes, we won't have to be ashamed before Him at His coming.  When we allow our life to become polluted with sin, we don't live expectantly, we live with dread at the thought of Christ's return.  We don't want our Saviour to return and find us in the midst of sin.  We must abide in Him.  The bible likens it to the fruit abiding in the branches.  We are to find our sustenance and security in Him.  He is the life-giving source in our life.  How are you living today?  Are you living a life that is eager to see the return of the Lord or would you be ashamed at His coming?  If you would be ashamed, take time to make some things right with God.  He stands ready to forgive, if you simply ask for forgiveness.

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