Sunday, August 23, 2015

No Fear

Psalm 118:6 "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?"

As Christians we have a rich heritage of our faithful ancestors that faced persecution and death for their belief in God's Word. Those faithful Christians of days gone by understood a vital principle contained in Psalm 118:6. They knew, that as Christians, they had a Father in Heaven that stood by their side during times of fear and persecution. They had a God of all comfort that would bring them solace during the dark days that they faced. They understood that the power of man was limited, but the power of their God was unlimited. Man can only destroy our physical body. Man can't destroy our soul and spirit. If we have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, we don't have to fear man, because we have a God that has already taken eternal possession of our soul and spirit. We can face the worse that the world has to offer with boldness and courage by faith in our God. We don't have to be subjected to a life of fear and defeat.

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