Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Help for Marriage

Image Ronnie MacDonald Wikipedia Common Images

Ephesians 5:21  "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God."

There are tons of books on the market that deal with the topic of having a happy, healthy marriage.  If you read all of the books you will find many ideas and suggestions on how to improve your marriage.  You will find ideas that agree and others that conflict with one another.  God's Word has much to say about marriage.  What should we rely on, the wisdom of man or the wisdom of God?  The answer should be obvious.  Who knows more about the creature than the Creator?  God instituted marriage and He knows the ingredients to a happy and fruitful marriage.

This verse in Ephesians 5:21 is framed within a passage of Scripture that outlines the proper relationships between husbands and wives.  Husbands and wives have a responsibility to submit themselves one to another.  When we put our spouse first in the marriage relationship we avoid a variety of ills.  Selfishness in a marriage leads to all kinds of problems in the family and home.  A selfish spirit is never satisfied.  A selfish spirit quickly grows discontent in the marriage.  If everything in the marriage doesn't revolve around the selfish spouse, the spouse will seek fulfillment elsewhere.  This selfishness is a tremendously destructive force in a marriage.  When our heart's desire is to see our spouse fulfilled our marriage finds itself on a path that is pleasing to God.  An interesting thing happens when we focus our attention on the needs of others.  When we focus on others, our problems, concerns and fears quickly diminish.  Paul instructed Christians in Philippians 2:3b "Let each esteem other better than themselves."  This counsel is good for a marriage, good for a family and good for a church.  Let's concern ourselves with the well-being of others and quit focusing so much on ourselves.

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