Monday, March 2, 2015

God's Everlasting Mercy

Psalm 118:1-2  "O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.   Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever."

We can rest assured that the God whom we serve is always good.  Many times in our lives when trials happen we have a tendency to  believe that God has somehow forgotten about us.  That He isn't aware of the trial that we are facing.  We would do well to realize that God does everything for our good, including the trials, even the ones we don't fully understand. 

 Not only is God good, but He is also merciful.  The Bible gives us the illustration of God's mercy toward Israel.  God the Father sent his Son Jesus Christ to be Israel's long awaited Messiah.  Israel rejected Jesus as their messiah and caused Him to be crucified.  The Scriptures teach us that because of unbelief Israel has been temporarily set aside.  God will eventually restore the nation of Israel to their place of prominence in His plan.  God loves Israel and in spite of her rejection of Christ He will show forth His mercy toward Israel.

God's mercy towards Israel should speak to our own hearts.  God loves us and is willing to be merciful to us, if we come to Him with repentant hearts.  You may have started to doubt God or to blame God because of some trial that you're experiencing.  Never forget that God is good and His mercy  is everlasting.

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