Saturday, September 19, 2015

Man's Two Natures!

Every born again believer has two natures that live inside.  Once they have trusted Christ as their Saviour, they receive a new nature.  A nature that is imparted to them through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God.  II Corinthians 5:17 declares, "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new."  At the very moment of salvation the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in the believer, unfortunately, the old sin nature, also know as the flesh, still dwells in the believer too.  It would be wonderful to become a child of God and become perfect and never have to struggle with sin, but we understand from God's Word and our own experience, that is not the case.  Our two natures will conflict with each other until we lay this earthly tabernacle down in death.  The Apostle Paul understood this conflict in the book of Romans Chapter 7.  Take time to read this chapter and understand the struggle that raged within Paul.  It is the same struggle that every believer must contend with.  How do we allow the new nature to win the struggle, as we strive to become Christ-like?  Romans 6:8 teaches us that we are crucified with Christ.  The old nature has been put to death.  Sin no longer has to have victory in our lives.  We don't have to be in bondage to our old nature.  The story is told of an old, Native American Chief that had two dogs, one black and one white.  Someone asked the Chief which of the dogs would win in a fight.  The one I feed, replied the chief.  It's the same in our life.  The nature that we feed will have dominance in our life.  We don't have to be a slave to sin.  We have the very presence of God living within us and the Word of God.  Spend time today feeding your new nature and keeping the old man dead and buried.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dangers of Witchcraft

"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God."  Leviticus 19:31

The Bible contains many clear warnings for Christians in regards to witchcraft.  We are not to regard them that have familiar spirits.  These are spirits that those that practice witchcraft communicate with.  It may sound hocus-pocus or spooky, but if we believe the Bible we have to accept that there are real demonic spirits in the world eager to communicate with man.  The message of these spirits is to cause harm and destruction, unlike the glorious message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which has the power to transform lives.  The Bible declares that we are not to seek after wizards.  If we choose to follow after them, the end result will be defilement.  There are many today that follow after and seek out psychics and witches to help guide them, or to help them make decisions.  The Lord instructs us that this is a dangerous practice that will result in our lives being polluted and corrupted by sin.  The only guide we need is the True Guide, the Holy Spirit of God that indwells us at the very moment of salavation.  He stands eager and able to help us guide our lives, all we have to do is yield to Him.